What are HFCs? HFCs are man-made greenhouse gases developed by the chemical industry to replace CFCs. Unfortunately, despite their PR spin, HFCs are NOT an environmental alternative to anything. CFCs and HFCs are all part of a family of gases known as F-gases. F stands for fluorine. The major applications that use F-gases are refrigeration, air conditioning, foam blowing agents, aerosols, fire protection and solvents.
F-gases: CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs are all part of a family of gases known as F-gases or fluorocarbons. The regulatory control of F-gases is split between the Montreal Protocol and the Kyoto Protocol.
HFCs and other F-gases: The Worst Greenhouse Gases You’ve Never Heard Of
HFCs are often misleadingly portrayed by their manufacturers and users to be ‘environmentally friendly’ because they do not deplete the ozone layer. However, they are highly potent greenhouse gases and contribute significantly to climate change.