Easy and quick way to select Air Handling Units
Quickly and easily design and select AHUs directly from your web browser. Hundreds of configurations are possible using the 5-step,easy to follow interface. Select your unit in 5 minutes or less.
Simply select your units and produce all relevant data including specifications, wiring diagrams, space planning, concept design and budget prices (please contact us for the best price).You can also export 2D & 3D CAD and BIM models. All AHUs feature L1 leakage performance and exceed ERP2018 and Ecodesign requirements.
To use our partner’s online selection tool click below.
How to start selecting your AHU

Custom Modular AHU
€0.00Entropic are specialists in the specification, selection and supply of Custom Modular AHUs for large scale construction projects in technically demanding environments for industries including Pharmaceutical, Data Centre, Healthcare, etc.
EasyAir-Flat Packaged Unit
€0.00High energy efficiency, better air hygiene and lower cleaning costs, thanks to the smooth surfaces in the air duct.
Hydro-Opt Energy Management Unit
€0.00The Hydro-Opt Energy Management Unit impresses with its simple, compact design and technical ingenuity. You can connect Hydro-Opt Energy Management Unit from all sides.