A chilled beam is an air distribution device with an integral coil that may be installed within a space in the buildings in order to provide sensible cooling and heating.

Cooling only Passive Beam Applications
- No Fresh air supplied through beams -Libraries
- Beams are simply finned coils containing cold water – Shops
- Often used in conjunction with displacement – Atriums
- No control on air flow patterns in the room – Corridors
- Lower levels of occupant comfort
- Higher risk of draughts
- Not to be located directly over occupants

Active Chilled Beams
- Heating & Cooling
- 4 Pipe System
- Ducted Fresh Air

Benefits of using Chilled Beams
- No Fans
- Low energy consumption
- No Draughts
- 14°C water does not overcool air
- No fan –low air velocities
- Uniform Temperatures
- Small vertical temp gradient
- Well mixed airflow
- Easy installation
- Flexible layouts
- No noise
- No fan breakdowns
- No fan electrical consumption
- No fan maintenance
- No Filters
- No filter maintenance
- No Condensation
- No wet coil
- No condensate drains
- No condensate leaks

Chilled Beams in Office Environment
Typical customer needs and requirements
- Satisfied users
- Energy efficiency
- Cost efficiency
- Flexibility
- Ease of use
- Adaptable products: one product several applications
- Optimised indoor climate management
- Adaptable, energy efficient system design
Benefits of Halton Indoors Office Solutions
- Individually adjustable indoor conditions
- Optimised life cycle costs
- In-built flexibility for fast and cost efficient changes
Energy Efficiency of Chilled Beam System
- Eliminates numerous small fans in fan-coils throughout building
- Increased inlet water temperature in cooling (14 OC or above)
- Improved chiller efficiency (Significantly higher COP)
- Easier to use free energy sources and heat pumps (Dry Coolers, Aquifer etc)
- Decreased inlet water temperature in heating (35…40 OC)
- Full, minimum fresh air system, typically:
- Small ducts
- Small AHU
- Lower duct pressure than in traditional induction units