For over 20 years Entropic has been helping engineers to provide the best solution to meet the Air Handling requirements of their clients. With experience across a broad range of industries Entropic is uniquely placed to give expert advice on the optimum solution for all environments.
Every project is unique and Entropic works closely with a number of high quality European manufacturers to provide the best Air Handling Unit for each specific application. Every AHU is custom built to meet the individual requirements of the client and also to fulfil all regulatory obligations of a specific industry or region.
You can see detailed information on the optional contents of Entropic’s Customisable Modular Air Handling Unit (AHU) by clicking here
All AHUs supplied by Entropic are fully Eurovent certified.

The AHUs comply with the following classifications, which relate to the European Standard EN 1886:
L1 leakage class, T2 thermal transmittance, TB2 thermal break (TB1 available), D1(M) mechanical strength.
- The AHU frame is made from an aluminium alloy.
- It is air tight and achieves L1 according to EN1886.
- It is thermally broken to avoid cold bridges and achieves TB2 according to EN1886.
- It achieves class C4 (moderate salinity) corrosion resistance according to EN 12944-2 ‘Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems’.
- The aluminium alloy used has been assessed according to DIN 81249-1 ‘Corrosion of metals in seawater and sea atmosphere’.
- The AHU panels is double-skin and has a total thickness of 48 mm nominal.
- It is air tight and achieves L1 according to EN1886.
- It is thermally broken to avoid cold bridges and achieve T2 according to EN1886.
- It is insulated with incombustible material (DIN 4102, A1, 55 kg/m3).
- The internal and external skins consist of 1.0mm galvanized steel which is powder coated RAL7001 post construction, with a thickness of 60 µm on all the cut edges. Wet painting and pre-coated sheets are not used.
- The panels and the frame structure have a smooth internal surface to facility easy cleaning, improve efficiency and minimise turbulence. Frame profiles projecting into the airflow are not used.
- The seals, plastic parts and sealants are hygienically safe and are verified to have no-metabolic potential according to VDI 6022 ‘Hygiene requirements for ventilation and air conditioning systems and units’.
- Seals are:
Non pores
Microbiologically inert
Easily replaceable
Temperature resistant up to 80°C
- The AHU base frame is constructed of 138 mm galvanized steel and powder coated RAL7001 post construction, with a thickness of 60 µm on the cut edges. The base frame is thermally broken to avoid cold bridges and achieves TB2 according to EN1886.
- Drain pans are slopped, insulated and made from stainless steel. The tray does not reduce the cross-sectional free area inside the AHU. The drain from the tray passes through the AHU baseframe. It is easy to wipe all parts of the tray, even parts under components such as coils and droplet eliminators.
- Access doors, lights and inspection windows are provided for maintenance purposes.
- All door hinges are aluminium construction with stainless steel pins.
- The units can be delivered in sections to allow ease placement and positioning on-site or delivered in a single piece to avoid assembly onsite.
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