Entropic Operating Room Ventilation Solutions

Entropic provide exceptionally safe and efficient ventilation solutions for operating theatres

Entropic provide the highest quality Operating Room Ventilation Systems. Our systems guarantee ultraclean operating conditions, low noises, optimal thermal comfort and exceptional energy efficiency. We have a number of solutions that provide effective ventilation and sterilisation for the operating area and the surrounding room.

Operating Room Ventilation

Why is operating room ventilation so important?

• 4,1 million healthcare-associated infections in the EU each year
• 20 % of these are surgical site infections
• Increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria

What is the aim of Operating room ventilation systems?

• Preventing airborne microbial contaminants from entering the surgical wound

• Providing optimal thermal conditions for
patients and the medical team

Operating Room Ventilation System Products


Vita OR cell Unit

Delivers a constant sanitary airflow directly to the area under operation



Filters air through HEPA filters and supplies air into the operating space through a single-layer, high-density fabric



Filters air through HEPA filters and supplies air to the operating space through the air nozzles in the front of the panel unit.

Operating Room Ventilation Considerations

Infection risk factors:

• Number of persons present in the room
• Clothing system used
• Movement of personnel
• Door discipline
• etc.

Vita OR Solutions

Innovative solutions – Safety and comfort – Ease of use -Total offering for all your operating needs – Services for the whole solution lifecycle

Vita OR Space

Controlled-dilution ventilation solution providing ISO 5 cleanliness to the entire space

Vita OR Zone

Unidirectional flow ventilation solution providing ISO 5 cleanliness to the protected zone.

Vita OR Cell

Mobile ventilation units providing ultraclean air to the wound area or surgical instruments.

Vita OR Space

  • Ultraclean operating conditions
  • Optimal thermal comfort
  • Flexible use of space
  • Energy efficient
  • Ventilation adjusts to your operating needs
  • Silent operational environment

Vita OR Zone

Vita OR Zone provides a hygienic and safe operating zone for the patient, medical team and instruments

Smart design and high quality materials

vita or zone

An ultraclean air zone is created around the surgical field. The risk of surgical site infections is decreased as the ultraclean
airflow prevents air impurities from entering the operating area.

Ultraclean air created with the low-turbulent-flow principle

Vita OR Cell

An easy and cost-effective way to upgrade the safety of your operating environment

• Complements existing ventilation systems
• For spaces where improved clean air conditions are required
• For outpatient treatment facilities

Contact us

With help designing or selecting the correct Operating Theatre Ventilation System please contact us to connect with one of our experienced Engineers.

Halton Vita OR in Tartu University Hospital