What are the benefits of using Chilled Beams?

Diagram of a Chilled Beam System

- No Fans,
- No noise,
- No fan breakdowns,
- No fan electrical consumption,
- No fan maintenance,
No Filters
No Condensation
- No wet coil
- No condensate drains
- No condensate leaks
Low energy consumption
No Draughts
- 14°C water does not overcool air
- No fan –low air velocities
Uniform Temperatures
- Small vertical temp gradient
- Well mixed airflow
Easy installation
Flexible layouts
Design Consideration
- Fresh Air for healthy occupants
- Fresh air should be dehumidified in most cases when in cooling mode
- Airflow rate must be high enough to absorb the humidity generated in the space
- Fulfil the health needs (12l/s/person approx)
Typical fresh air volume is
1.5 – 3 l/s/m2 floor area
5 – 15 l/s/m of beam
10-20 l/s/person