Design and supply of multiple Eurovent Certified Air Handling Units
Challenge: The ceiling height in the basement was 2620mm with low points of 2150mm. The entry point into the basement was through multiple sets of doors at 1400mm x 2040mm (W x H).
Solution: The AHU was delivered in 16 no. smaller sections with max dimensions 1300.5mm x 2218.5 mm x 1410.5mm (L x W x H) to fit through the door way. The thermal wheel at 1224mm x 2218.5 mm x 2524.5mm (L x W x H) was delivered easily separable. The thermal wheel was broken down further into smaller sections and quadrants and reassembled inside the basement. We helped further by exporting full detailed 3D models of the AHU
Challenge: To deliver the required amount of DX cooling and heating to an indoor basement AHU.
Solution: An equivalent system with an external DX condenser or an internal DX system with external dry air cooler was explored. It was challenging to fit any system into the available space. An integrated DX system was used to minimise the space taken by the unit.
Challenge: With an integrated DX system in use. During dehumidification or cooling mode, the heat rejection coil on the exhaust side would need to be sufficiently cooled down. This proved extremely challenging on an AHU extracting from a data hall.
Solution: To overcome this issue, the exhaust was fitted with an evaporative cooler. The evaporative cooler allowed free adiabatic cooling to aid in heat rejection.
Challenge: With the location and access restrictions previously mentioned, it proved difficult to fit all controls into a single integrated control cabinet.
Solution: A 2m x 1.2m control cabinet was delivered with the AHU. The control cabinet was pre-wired by the factory and included an additional 5m of cabling to allow the cabinet to be placed next to the AHU.
Challenge: The distance between the humidifiers and the AHU exceeded the manufacturers recommendations.
Solution: 140kg/h was delivered through 4 no. smaller units (30+30+40+40kg/hr) and was delivered with a mounting rack to be placed next to the AHU.
Entropic are specialists in the specification, selection and supply of Custom Modular AHUs for large scale construction projects in technically demanding environments for industries including Pharmaceutical, Data Centre, Healthcare, etc.